Monday, October 21, 2019

Futures Week 11

Friday, 10/25/19--Happy Homecoming!
  1. Due: ELA and choice CN
  2. Learning Target: 
    1. Today I will demonstrate my organization by completing a binder check.
    2. I will work in small groups to solve a problem or complete a task in order to form meaningful relationships.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Binder check
    2. Teambuilder: Ghost in Disguise (GC)
  4. HW:
    1. None this weekend
Thursday, 10/24/19

  1. Due: TRF
  2. Learning Target: 
    1. Today I will use inquiry to answer level 2 or 3 questions in small groups.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Tutorial
  4. HW:
    1. Binder Check Friday--ELA and choice notes
Wednesday, 10/23/19
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target: 
    1. Today I will complete current and late assignments for my core classes.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Cafe Time
      1. Use this time to work in small groups to:
        1. Catch up: Work on make-up work or missing assignments
        2. Stay on target: Work on current assignments
        3. Get ahead: Work on TRF questions, Cornell Notes, upcoming assignments, organization, etc. 
  4. HW:
    1. TRF Tuesday and Thursday
    2. Binder Check Friday--You need ELA and choice CN
Tuesday, 10/22/19
  1. Due: TRF
  2. Learning Target: 
    1. Today I will use inquiry to answer level 2 or 3 questions in small groups.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Tutorial
  4. HW:
    1. TRF Tuesday and Thursday
    2. Binder Check Friday--ELA and choice notes
Monday, 10/21/19
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target: 
    1. Today I will think critically about about a controversial topic, research the topic, and gather evidence to support my ideas about the topic. 
  3. Agenda:
    1. Philosophical Chairs Revisit
      1. Review and discuss rules of engagement.
      2. Close read and research: Is tackle football too dangerous for teens?
      3. Discussion and presentation of points
      4. Reflection
    2. Cafe Time
      1. Use this time to work in small groups to:
        1. Catch up: Work on make-up work or missing assignments
        2. Stay on target: Work on current assignments
        3. Get ahead: Work on TRF questions, Cornell Notes, upcoming assignments, organization, etc. 
  4. HW:
    1. TRF Tuesday and Thursday
    2. Binder Check Friday--You need ELA and choice CN