ELA 8 Week 14
Thursday, 11/14/19
- Due: LOTF chapter 1 study guide questions 1-8
- Learning Target(s):
- Read and analyze Lord of the Flies by tracing character development, sequencing plot events, and development of themes.
- Agenda:
- Lord of the Flies
- Chapter 1
- Review Chapter 1 Analysis questions/study guide.
- Group Character Analysis (GC): In groups, each will create a character web for an assigned character. Each member of your group is responsible for tracing different aspects of your character's development. You will continue to trace your character throughout the novel, adding information to your web as you read. Members will focus on:
- Speech
- Thoughts
- Effect on other characters
- Actions
- Looks
- HW:
- Add to your LOTF character web. Due date TBD.
- Spelling #16 packet due Thursday, 11/21.
Wednesday, 11/13/19
- Due: Nothing today
- Learning Target(s):
- Read and analyze Lord of the Flies by tracing character development, sequencing plot events, and development of themes.
- Agenda:
- Lord of the Flies
- Chapter 1
- Finish reading and analyzing Chapter 1.
- Work on analysis questions (packet) as you read.
- Group Character Analysis (GC): In groups, each will create a character web for an assigned character. Each member of your group is responsible for tracing different aspects of your character's development. You will continue to trace your character throughout the novel, adding information to your web as you read. Members will focus on:
- Speech
- Thoughts
- Effect on other characters
- Actions
- Looks
- HW:
- LOTF chapter 1 study guide questions 1-8--due Thursday, 11/14.
- Add to your LOTF character web. Due date TBD.
- Spelling #16 packet due Thursday, 11/21.
Tuesday, 11/12/19
- Due: Nothing today
- Learning Target(s):
- Identify and practice Unit 16 spelling words and definitions.
- Read and analyze Lord of the Flies by tracing character development, sequencing plot events, and development of themes.
- Agenda:
- Spelling #16
- Complete Packet
- Work on Lord of the Flies
- Chapter 1
- List major events
- Define glossary words
- The Scenery
- What is the "scar"?
- Words to describe Ralph and Piggy
- Island Slang
- First impressions
- HW:
- Work on LOTF Chapter 1 analysis questions in packet