Monday, February 24, 2020

ELA 8 Week 26

Friday, 2/28/20
  1. Due: Spelling will be collected/tested on MONDAY! 
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
      1. StudySync TV--Watch the videos and complete the section on your access packet.
      2. Think Questions--Complete all of the Think Question Frames on your access sheet, then turn your packet in to the 4th period basket.
      3. Respond to any two think questions in StudySync and then submit the assignment. Use the RACE strategy. Your responses should be higher level than the frames that you completed on the packet. 
    2. Spelling #22 Quizlet
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 22 packet and quizlet due, and test on MONDAY!!!!!
Thursday, 2/27/20
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech--Don't submit this assignment yet!!
      1. Complete the "Targeted Research Chart"  on the access chart before you read. 
      2. Read and annotate
        1. Highlight at least two sentences that showcase Wiesel's character.
        2. Highlight the key details related to Wiesel's purpose in the speech. For example, “Because if we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices.” Annotation: He is talking about how everyone needs to remember how horrible the Holocaust was; if people forget the horrors of the Holocaust, they are guilty of wrongdoing as well.
    2. Spelling #22 Quizlet
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 22 packet and quizlet due, and test on Friday, 2/28.
Wednesday, 2/26/20
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Spelling #22 Quizlet
      1. Flashcards
      2. Learn
      3. Write
      4. Spell
      5. Test--Options: all terms, no images, written responses, 85% or higher.
    2. Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
      1. Quickwrite: GC--spend 5-10 minutes responding.
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 22 packet due Friday, 2/28
Tuesday, 2/25/20
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
      1. Finish Video Guide
      2. StudySync First Read w/Access Sheet
        1. Intro
        2. Vocabulary
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 22 packet due Friday, 2/28
Monday, 2/24/20
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
      1. Elie Wiesel and Oprah at Auschwitz
        1. Video Guide
    2. HW:
      1. Finish Elie Wiesel & Oprah Video guide--due Tuesday, 2/25
      2. Spelling 22 packet due Friday, 2/28

    ELA 7 Week 26

    Friday, 2/28/20 
    1. Due:Spelling will be collected Monday!
    2. Learning Target:
      1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
    3. Agenda:
      1. The Hunger Games
        1. Read Chapter 15 and work on Focus Questions.This chapter should be completely finished and questions all completed by the end of class today. If you aren't finished, please finish at home tonight. 
      2. Spelling #20 Quizlet
    4. HW:
      1. Spelling 20 Packet and Quizlet due, and test MONDAY!
    Thursday, 2/27/20 
    1. Due: Nothing today
    2. Learning Target:
      1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
    3. Agenda:
      1. The Hunger Games
        1. Read Chapters 13 and 14 and work on Focus Questions.These chapters should be completely finished and questions all completed by the end of class today. If you aren't finished, please finish at home tonight. 
      2. Spelling #20 Quizlet
    4. HW:
      1. Spelling 20 Packet and Quizlet due, and test Friday, 2/28.
    Wednesday, 2/26/20 
    1. Due: Nothing today
    2. Learning Target:
      1. Identify and practice spelling words and definitions.
      2. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
    3. Agenda:
      1. Spelling #20 Quizlet
        1. Flashcards
        2. Learn
        3. Write
        4. Spell
        5. Test--Options: all terms, no images, written responses, 85% or higher.
      2. The Hunger Games
        1. Read Chapter 13 and work on Focus Questions
    4. HW:
      1. Spelling 20 Packet due Friday, 2/28.
    Tuesday, 2/25/20
    1. Due:HG Symbols Block and Chapter 11 Questions
    2. Learning Target:
      1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
    3. Agenda:
      1. The Hunger Games
        1. Chapter 12 w/focus questions
    4. HW:
      1. Spelling 20 Packet due Friday, 2/28.
    Monday, 2/24/20
    1. Due: Nothing today
    2. Learning Target:
      1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
    3. Agenda:
      1. The Hunger Games
        1. Piktochart Symbols Block
        2. Chapter 11 w/focus questions
    4. HW:
      1. Finish HG Symbols Block and Chapter 11 Questions--due Tuesday, 2/25.
      2. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.

    Futures Week 26

    Friday, 2/28/20

    1. Due: Nothing Today
    2. Agenda:
      1. Question in Classroom--please spend 5-10 minutes responding.
      2. Cafe Day--It is a day to work. Work on current assignments first, then late/make-up work. You need to be in your assigned seat while you work today.
    3. HW: 
      1. Binder Check will be on Monday!--ELA and choice notes dated 2/24-2/28
    Thursday, 2/27/20
    1. Due: TRF
    2. Learning Target:
      1. Work in small groups to solve level 2 or 3 questions using inquiry.
    3. Agenda:
      1. Tutorial 
    4. HW: 
      1. Binder Check Friday--ELA and choice notes dated 2/24-2/28
    Wednesday, 2/26/20
    1. Due: Nothing Today
    2. Agenda:
      1. ELA Cornell Notes
        1. Complete your ELA Cornell Notes in class today. Take a picture of your notes on your Chromebook, and submit that picture in Google Classroom by the end of the period in order to receive credit.
        2. Once you've finished with your ELA notes, you may work on your TRF for tomorrow or your HW for core classes. 
    3. HW: 
      1. TRF due Tues./Thurs.
      2. Binder Check Friday--ELA and choice notes dated 2/24-2/28
    Tuesday, 2/25/20
    1. Due: TRF
    2. Learning Target:
      1. Work in small groups to solve level 2 or 3 questions using inquiry.
    3. Agenda:
      1. Tutorial 
    4. HW: 
      1. TRF due Tues./Thurs.
      2. Binder Check Friday--ELA and choice notes dated 2/24-2/28
    Monday, 2/24/20
    1. Due: Nothing today
    2. Agenda:
      1. Glory Road
        1. Values Statements
        2. Core Values
        3. Reflection
        4. Letter
    3. HW:
      1. TRF due Tues./Thurs.
      2. Binder Check Friday--ELA and choice notes dated 2/24-2/28

    Tuesday, February 18, 2020

    ELA 8 Week 25

    Friday, 2/21/20
    1. Due: DA Ch. 6 questions (journal); DA Journals will be turned in today! 
    2. Learning Target:
      1. Determine a theme in The Devil's Arithmetic and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
    3. Agenda:
      1. The Devil's Arithmetic
        1. Check Journal Table of Contents
        2. Chapter 4-6 Quiz
          1. Multiple Choice Form Quiz (GC)
          2. Timed Written Portion
      2. Work on Spelling 22 packet
        1. HW:
          1. Spelling 22 packet due Friday, 2/28
        Thursday, 2/20/20
        1. Due: DA Ch. 5 questions and figurative language activity (journal)
        2. Learning Target:
          1. Determine a theme in The Devil's Arithmetic and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
        3. Agenda:
          1. The Devil's Arithmetic
            1. Chapter 5 Figurative language review worksheet (turn in to the basket when finished).
            2. Read Chapter 6 and respond to the study questions on page 14 in your journal.
              1. Chapter 6 study questions
          2. Work on Spelling 22 packet
            1. HW:
              1. DA--Finish any reading/questions you need to catch up on.
                1. Chapters 4-6 Quiz will be on Friday, 2/21.
              2. Journal Check Friday, 2/21.
              3. Spelling 22 packet due Friday, 2/28
            Wednesday, 2/19/20
            1. Due: DA Ch. 4 characterization (in notebook)
            2. Learning Target:
              1. Determine a theme in The Devil's Arithmetic and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
            3. Agenda:
              1. The Devil's Arithmetic
                1. Chapter 4 Review
                2. Read Chapter 5
                3. Chapter 5 Questions (Journal Page 12)
                4. Chapter 5 Journal Activity (Journal Pages 13)
                1. HW:
                  1. DA Chapters 5 questions and journal activities due Thursday, 2/20.
                    1. Chapters 4-6 Quiz will be on Friday, 2/21.
                  2. Journal Check Friday, 2/21.
                  3. Spelling 22 packet due Friday, 2/28
                Tuesday, 2/18/20
                1. Due: Holocaust Adobe Spark; DA Ch. 4 questions and characterization (in notebook)
                2. Learning Target:
                  1. Identify and review unit 22 spelling words.
                  2. Determine a theme in The Devil's Arithmetic and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                3. Agenda:
                  1. Spelling 22
                    1. Identify and practice spelling words.
                  2. The Devil's Arithmetic
                    1. Review Chapter 4 Questions and characterization responses (notebook)
                    2. Share Holocaust Remembrance Sparks w/small groups--Google Classroom
                    1. HW:
                      1. DA Ch.4 characterization due Wednesday, 2/19
                      2. Spelling 22 packet due Wednesday, 2/26

                    ELA 7 Week 25

                    Friday, 2/21/20
                    1. Due: HG Chapter 9 and 10 questions
                    2. Learning Target:
                      1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                    3. Agenda:
                      1. The Hunger Games
                        1. Ch. 7-9 Quiz
                          1. Multiple Choice Portion
                          2. Timed Write--in groups.
                        2. When you finish, work on spelling.
                    4. HW:
                      1. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.
                    Thursday, 2/20/20

                    1. Due: Nothing today
                    2. Learning Target:
                      1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                    3. Agenda:
                      1. The Hunger Games
                        1. Read and analyze chapter 10 w/focus questions
                        2. The HG Ch. 7-9 Quiz is Friday!
                        3. When you finish, work on spelling.
                    4. HW:
                      1. Finish HG ch. 10 w/focus questions--I'll check these Friday.
                      2. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.
                    Wednesday, 2/19/20
                    1. Due: Nothing today
                    2. Learning Target:
                      1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                    3. Agenda:
                      1. The Hunger Games
                        1. Katniss and Peeta's Skills and Strengths
                        2. Read and analyze chapter 9
                        3. The HG Ch. 7-9 Quiz is Thursday!
                    4. HW:
                      1. Finish HG Chapter 9 reading and questions/figurative language
                      2. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.
                    Tuesday, 2/18/20
                    1. Due: HG Chapter 8 Questions due
                    2. Learning Target:
                      1. Identify and review spelling 20 words.
                      2. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                    3. Agenda:
                      1. Spelling 20--Work on spelling packet
                      2. The Hunger Games
                        1. Review chapters 7-8 study questions/catch up if you're behind
                        2. The HG Ch. 7-9 Quiz is Thursday!
                    4. HW:
                      1. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.

                    Futures Week 25

                    Friday, 2/21/20
                    1. Due: Nothing today
                    2. Agenda:
                      1. Collaboration Assignment: You'll work with a partner to complete Glory Road Discussion Questions. Be prepared to share your responses with the class. (GC)
                    3. HW:
                      1. None
                    Thursday, 2/20/20
                    1. Due: TRF
                    2. Learning Target:
                      1. Work in small groups to solve level 2 or 3 questions using inquiry.
                    3. Agenda:
                      1. Tutorial 
                    4. HW: None
                    Wednesday, 2/19/20
                    1. Due: Nothing today
                    2. Agenda:
                      1. Cafe time
                    3. HW:
                      1. TRF due Thursday
                      2. No binder check or Cornell Notes check this week
                    Tuesday, 2/18/20
                    1. Due: Nothing today
                    2. Agenda:
                      1. Learning Log--complete a learning log on the activities you did in your first period class. Make sure you answer in complete sentences. There should be no more than 1-2 empty lines in each section. Please turn in to the substitute by the end of the period.
                      2. If you finish the learning log before the end of the period, use time wisely and work on assignments from your core classes.
                      3. If you have no assignments to work on from your core classes, please read quietly. 
                    3. HW:
                      1. TRF due Thursday
                      2. No binder check or Cornell Notes check this week

                    Thursday, February 13, 2020


                    CJSF Meeting Agenda

                    1. Call to Order (Maddy)
                    2. Fundraiser: Gold Canyon Spring Candles March 12th through March 27th
                    3. 8th grade presenters: 30 minutes of community service
                    4. 7th grade only: applications due Friday, 2/21st

                    Monday, February 10, 2020

                    ELA 8 Week 24

                    Thursday, 2/13/20
                    1. Due: Spelling 21 Quizlet
                    2. Learning Target:
                      1. Demonstrate mastery of spelling words by earning a proficient score on the test.
                      2. Determine a theme in The Devil's Arithmetic and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                    3. Agenda:
                      1. Spelling 21 
                        1. Quizlet Live
                        2. Test
                      2. The Devil's Arithmetic
                        1. Read Chapter 4
                        2. Respond to Chapter 4 Questions (journal page 10)
                        3. Complete the Chapter 4 Characterization activity (journal page 11)
                        1. HW:
                          1. Finish Chapter 4 Assignments--due Tuesday, 2/18.
                          2. Holocaust Remembrance Adobe Spark (GC) due Tuesday, 2/18.
                        Wednesday, 2/12/20
                        1. Due: DA Ch.4 journal page should be glued in and ready to go at the start of class.
                        2. Learning Target:
                          1. Determine a theme in The Devil's Arithmetic and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                          2. Participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations to express ideas and build upon the ideas of others.
                        3. Agenda:
                          1. Correct Spelling 21 packet
                          2. Revisit Holocaust Remembrance Assignment in GC
                            1. HW:
                              1. Spelling 21 Quizlet due and Test on Thursday, 2/13.
                              2. Holocaust Remembrance Adobe Spark (GC) due Tuesday, 2/18.
                            Tuesday, 2/11/20
                            1. Due: DA Ch.3 Focus Questions (Stamp); Symbolism Sheet should be glued in to your notebook; Glue Stick Check
                            2. Learning Target:
                              1. Determine a theme in The Devil's Arithmetic and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              2. Participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations to express ideas and build upon the ideas of others.
                            3. Agenda:
                              1. The Devil's Arithmetic 
                                1. Review Chapter 3 Focus Questions
                                2. Notebook page 9--Symbolism
                                3. Quizlet live review of chapters 1-3
                                4. Chapters 1-3 Quiz--multiple choice
                              2. Work on Spelling 21 Quizlet
                              3. HW:
                                1. Set up Chapter 4 in your notebook--due Wed., 2/12.
                                2. Spelling Packet #21 due Wed., 2/12; Quizlet due and Test on Thursday, 2/13.
                                3. Holocaust Remembrance Adobe Spark (GC) due Tuesday, 2/18.
                              Monday, 2/10/20
                              1. Due: DA Ch. 1-2 Focus Questions (Stamp); Glue Stick Check
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Determine a theme in The Devil's Arithmetic and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                                2. Participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations to express ideas and build upon the ideas of others.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. The Devil's Arithmetic 
                                  1. Review Chapters 1 and 2 
                                    1. Questions/Answers
                                    2. Notebook page 5--Hannah's Family
                                    3. Notebook page 7--Flashback
                                  2. Read and analyze Chapter 3 
                                    1. Focus Questions
                                    2. Notebook page 9--Symbolism
                                2. Spelling #21 Quizlet
                                  1. Flashcards
                                  2. Learn
                                  3. Write
                                  4. Spell
                                  5. Test--Options: all terms, no images, written responses, 85% or higher.
                              4. HW:
                                1. DA Chapter 3 questions and symbolism due Tuesday, 2/11.
                                2. DA Chapters 1-3 quiz on Tuesday, 2/11.
                                3. Spelling Packet #21 due Wed., 2/12; Quizlet due and Test on Thursday, 2/13.

                              ELA 7 Week 24

                              Thursday, 2/13/20
                              1. Due: Spelling Quizlet; HG Love Letter (GC); HG Ch. 7 focus questions (stamp)
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Demonstrate mastery of spelling words by earning a proficient score on the test.
                                2. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. Spelling 16
                                  1. Quizlet Live
                                  2. Test
                                2. The Hunger Games
                                  1. Read and analyze Chapter 8 w/focus questions
                              4. HW:
                                1. Finish reading and analyzing HG Chapter 8 w/focus questions--due Tuesday, 2/18.
                              Wednesday, 2/12/20
                              1. Due: Spelling Packet
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. Spelling 16--Correct packet
                                2. The Hunger Games
                                  1. Read and analyze Chapter 7 w/focus questions
                              4. HW:
                                1. Love Letter due Thursday @ 8 AM
                                2. Spelling 16 Quizlet due and Test Thursday, 2/13.
                              Tuesday, 2/11/20
                              1. Due: HG Figurative Language 1-16
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. The Hunger Games
                                  1. Review Figurative Language 1-16
                                  2. HG Valentine's Persuasive/Argumentative Love Letter Writing Task (GC)
                              4. HW:
                                1. Love Letter due Thursday @ 8 AM
                                2. Spelling 16 Packet due Wednesday, 2/12; Quizlet due and Test Thursday, 2/13.
                              Monday, 2/10/20
                              1. Due: HG Chapter 6 Questions; Symbols Chart 1-6 
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. The Hunger Games
                                  1. Review symbols and meanings
                                  2. Chapter 4-6 Quiz
                                  3. Figurative Language 1-16
                                2. Spelling #16 Quizlet
                                  1. Flashcards
                                  2. Learn
                                  3. Write
                                  4. Spell
                                  5. Test--Options: all terms, no images, written responses, 85% or higher.
                              4. HW:
                                1. HG Figurative Language 1-16 due Tuesday, 2/11. 
                                2. Spelling 16 Packet due Wednesday, 2/12; Quizlet due and Test Thursday, 2/13.

                              Futures Week 24

                              Thursday, 2/13/20
                              1. Due: TRF
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Work in small groups to solve level 2 or 3 questions using inquiry.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. Tutorial 
                              4. HW: Have a great weekend and get caught up in your core classes.
                              Wednesday, 2/11/20
                              1. Due: Nothing 
                              2. Agenda:
                                1. Cafe Time
                                  1. Complete your Glory Road Cornell Notes
                                  2. Core Class Work
                              3. HW:
                                1. TRF due Tuesday/Thursday
                              Tuesday, 2/11/20
                              1. Due: TRF
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Work in small groups to solve level 2 or 3 questions using inquiry.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. Tutorial 
                              4. HW:
                                1. TRF Tuesday/Thursday
                              Monday, 2/10/20
                              1. Due: Signed binder checks (for students who earned 30 or lower)
                              2. Agenda:
                                1. Test Board
                                2. Glory Road
                                  1. Cornell Notes
                              3. HW:
                                1. TRF due Tuesday/Thursday
                                2. No binder check or Cornell Notes check this week

                              Wednesday, February 5, 2020

                              CJSF 7th Grade Presentations

                              Attention Presenters:

                              PRESENTATIONS ARE WEDNESDAY, 2/12. SEE THE SCHEDULE BELOW TO FIND OUT WHEN YOU'RE PRESENTING. Make sure you get permission from your teachers before going over to present.

                              Attached below is the link to the slides presentation. If you volunteered to present, you have already chosen your group. Please copy the slides presentation, and edit it as needed. Be prepared to present next week. I will let you know which class period/teacher you will be presenting with. 

                              CJSF Information Slideshow

                              Period 1 (Putnam)--Yuliana, Denise, Leticia
                              Period 2 (Juarez)--Elizabeth, Maddy J., Xochilt
                              Period 3 (Juarez)--Terryn, Mady C., Kayley
                              Period 5 (Juarez) --Xavier, Jasmin, Jackson
                              Period 6 (Putnam)--Elizabeth, Maddy J., Xochilt

                              Spring Regional Conference

                              Monday, February 3, 2020

                              ELA 8 Week 23

                              Friday, 2/7/20
                              1. Due: DA Research (Stamp)
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Practice using concrete strategies for identifying and analyzing dramatic elements and theme.
                                2. Participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations to express ideas and build upon the ideas of others.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. The Devil's Arithmetic 
                                  1. Share Research: Passover, Seder, Concentration Camps
                                  2. K-W-L
                                  3. Chapters 1 and 2 w/focus questions
                              4. HW:
                                1. DA Chapters 1 & 2 w/questions due Monday, 2/10.
                                2. Glue Stick check Monday, 2/10.
                                3. Spelling Packet #21 due Wed., 2/12.
                              Thursday, 2/6/20
                              1. Due: "Anne Frank" First Read
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Practice using concrete strategies for identifying and analyzing dramatic elements and theme.
                                2. Participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations to express ideas and build upon the ideas of others.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. ELA Centers
                                  1. The Devil's Arithmetic notebook setup, Skill: Dramatic Elements, Skill: Theme, StudySync TV
                                2. "The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play" Quiz
                                3. The Devil's Arithmetic Pre-reading
                                  1. Research: Passover, Seder, Concentration Camps
                              4. HW:
                                1. Finish DA Pre-reading research in notebook--Due Friday, 2/7.
                                2. Spelling Packet #21 due Wed., 2/12.
                              Wednesday, 2/5/20
                              1. Due: "Anne Frank" First Read
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Practice using concrete strategies for identifying and analyzing dramatic elements and theme.
                                2. Participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations to express ideas and build upon the ideas of others.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. ELA Centers
                                  1. The Devil's Arithmetic notebook setup
                                  2. Skill: Dramatic Elements
                                  3. Skill: Theme
                                  4. StudySync TV (Use the First Read to complete this center)
                              4. HW:
                                1. "The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play" Quiz on Thursday, 2/6.
                                2. Spelling Packet #21 due Wed., 2/12.
                              Tuesday, 2/4/20
                              1. Due: Drama Notes 
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary by earning a proficient score on an assessment. 
                                2. Perform an initial reading of a text and demonstrate comprehension by responding to short analysis and inference questions with textual evidence.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. Review Spelling Packet #21
                                2. Elements of Drama
                                  1. I Have...Who Has? Review Game
                                  2. Quiz (GC)
                                3. Continue Working on The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play (StudySync)
                                  1. Read the play.
                                  2. Highlight and annotate:
                                    1. Highlight at least two details that show the character traits and differences between at least two characters. Use the annotation tool to describe each character called out.
                                    2. Highlight one sentence that shows how Mr. Frank feels returning to the attic. Using the annotation tool, explain why you think he feels that way.
                                  3. Respond to Think Questions 1-4 using the RACE strategy.
                                  4. Submit this assignment when you have finished. 
                              4. HW:
                                1. Spelling Packet #21 due Wed., 2/12.
                              Monday, 2/3/20
                              1. Due: 
                                1. Drama Notes should be complete--I'll collect them tomorrow before the quiz.
                                2. The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play--Vocabulary
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Perform an initial reading of a text and demonstrate comprehension by responding to short analysis and inference questions with textual evidence.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. The Diary of Anne Frank: A Play (StudySync)
                                  1. Read the play.
                                  2. Highlight and annotate:
                                    1. Highlight at least two details that show the character traits and differences between at least two characters. Use the annotation tool to describe each character called out.
                                    2. Highlight one sentence that shows how Mr. Frank feels returning to the attic. Using the annotation tool, explain why you think he feels that way.
                                  3. Respond to Think Questions 1 and 2 using the RACE strategy.
                                2. If you finish with the StudySync work for today, begin working on Spelling Packet #21.
                              4. HW:
                                1. Drama Quiz Tuesday, 2/4--Study the notes you took on Friday.
                                2. Spelling Packet #21 due Wed., 2/12.

                              ELA 7 Week 23

                              Friday, 2/7/20
                              1. Due: HG Chapter 5 Questions (Stamp)
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. The Hunger Games
                                  1. Read Chapters 6 w/focus questions
                                  2. HG Symbols Chart (GC)
                              4. HW:
                                1. HG Chapter 6 Questions and complete Symbols Chart 1-6, 2/10.
                                2. HG Chapters 4-6 Quiz on Monday, 2/10.
                                3. Spelling 16 Packet due Wednesday, 2/12; Test Thursday, 2/13.
                              Thursday, 2/6/20
                              1. Due: HG Chapter 4 Questions (Stamp); Piktochart Connections Block
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. The Hunger Games
                                  1. Read Chapters 5 w/focus questions
                                  2. HG Symbols Chart (GC)
                              4. HW:
                                1. HG Chapter 5 Questions and Symbols Chart 2-5 due Friday, 2/7.
                                2. Spelling 16 Packet due Wednesday, 2/12; Test Thursday, 2/13.
                              Wednesday, 2/5/20
                              1. Due: "Spectacular Spectacle" Writing Task (SS)
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. "Spectacular Spectacle" (SS)--Attach to Piktochart "Connections" Block
                                2. The Hunger Games
                                  1. Read Chapter 4 w/focus questions
                              4. HW:
                                1. HG Piktochart Connections Block due Thursday, 2/6.
                                2. HG Ch. 4 questions due Thursday, 2/6.
                                3. Spelling 16 Packet due Wednesday, 2/12; Test Thursday, 2/13.
                              Tuesday, 2/4/20
                              1. Due: HG Chapter 3 w/questions; "Spectacular Spectacle" Writing Task (SS)
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. Review Spelling #16
                                2. Review "Spectacular Spectacle" (SS)
                                3. The Hunger Games
                                  1. Chapter 3 Kahoot to Review
                                  2. Chapter 1-3 Reading Check Quiz
                              4. HW:
                                1. Spelling 16 Packet due Wednesday, 2/12; Test Thursday, 2/13.
                                2. Work on HG Piktochart, Due date TBD
                              Monday, 2/3/20
                              1. Due: HG Chapter 3 w/questions--I will stamp bookmarks on Tuesday
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. StudySync--"Spectacular Spectacle" Writing Task--Read the writing task carefully and respond thoughtfully. CREATE A GOOGLE DOC WITHIN THE STUDYSYNC ASSIGNMENT TO DRAFT YOUR WRITING.
                                    1. Use your yellow writing packets to help with organization and use of appropriate transitions.
                                    2. Reread "Gladiator" if you need to.
                                    3. Look back at your EdPuzzle responses to help you.
                                    4. Use the active voice.
                                    5. Write effective sentences.
                                    6. Write well-organized paragraphs.
                                2. When you have finished with the writing task, work on Spelling Packet #16.
                              4. HW:
                                1. "Spectacular Spectacle" (SS) due Tuesday, 2/4 @ 8 AM.
                                2. Spelling 16 Packet due Wednesday, 2/12; Test Thursday, 2/13.
                                3. Work on HG Piktochart, Due date TBD

                              Futures Week 23

                              Friday, 2/7/20
                              1. Due: Grade Check; Binder Check CN (Math and Choice)
                              2. Agenda:
                                1. Binder Check
                                  1. Turn in your math notes
                                2. Teambuilder: President's Day 
                              3. HW:
                                1. Have a nice weekend!
                              Thursday, 2/6/20
                              1. Due: TRF
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Work in small groups to solve level 2 or 3 questions using inquiry.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. Tutorial 
                              4. HW:
                                1. TRF due Tuesday/Thursday
                                2. Grade Check From due Friday, 2/7.
                                3. Binder Check Friday, 2/7; CN TBD
                              Wednesday, 2/5/20
                              1. Due: Nothing Today
                              2. Agenda:
                                1. Glory Road
                                  1. Cornell Notes
                              3. HW:
                                1. TRF due Tuesday/Thursday
                                2. Grade Check From due Friday, 2/7.
                                3. Binder Check Friday, 2/7; CN TBD
                              Tuesday, 2/4/20
                              1. Due: TRF
                              2. Learning Target:
                                1. Work in small groups to solve level 2 or 3 questions using inquiry.
                              3. Agenda:
                                1. Tutorial 
                              4. HW:
                                1. TRF due Tuesday/Thursday
                                2. Grade Check From due Friday, 2/7.
                                3. Binder Check Friday, 2/7; CN TBD
                              Monday, 2/3/20
                              1. Due: Signed binder checks (for students who earned 30 or lower)
                              2. Agenda:
                                1. Test Board
                                2. Grade Check
                                3. Glory Road
                                  1. Cornell Notes
                              3. HW:
                                1. TRF due Tuesday/Thursday
                                2. Grade Check From due Friday, 2/7.
                                3. Binder Check Friday, 2/7; CN TBD