- Due: Spelling will be collected/tested on MONDAY!
- Learning Target:
- Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
- Agenda:
- Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
- StudySync TV--Watch the videos and complete the section on your access packet.
- Think Questions--Complete all of the Think Question Frames on your access sheet, then turn your packet in to the 4th period basket.
- Respond to any two think questions in StudySync and then submit the assignment. Use the RACE strategy. Your responses should be higher level than the frames that you completed on the packet.
- Spelling #22 Quizlet
- HW:
- Spelling 22 packet and quizlet due, and test on MONDAY!!!!!
- Due: Nothing today
- Learning Target:
- Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
- Agenda:
- Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech--Don't submit this assignment yet!!
- Complete the "Targeted Research Chart" on the access chart before you read.
- Read and annotate
- Highlight at least two sentences that showcase Wiesel's character.
- Highlight the key details related to Wiesel's purpose in the speech. For example, “Because if we forget, we are guilty, we are accomplices.” Annotation: He is talking about how everyone needs to remember how horrible the Holocaust was; if people forget the horrors of the Holocaust, they are guilty of wrongdoing as well.
- Spelling #22 Quizlet
- HW:
- Spelling 22 packet and quizlet due, and test on Friday, 2/28.
- Due: Nothing today
- Learning Target:
- Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
- Agenda:
- Spelling #22 Quizlet
- Flashcards
- Learn
- Write
- Spell
- Test--Options: all terms, no images, written responses, 85% or higher.
- Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
- Quickwrite: GC--spend 5-10 minutes responding.
- HW:
- Spelling 22 packet due Friday, 2/28
- Due: Nothing today
- Learning Target:
- Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
- Agenda:
- Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
- Finish Video Guide
- StudySync First Read w/Access Sheet
- Intro
- Vocabulary
- HW:
- Spelling 22 packet due Friday, 2/28
- Due: Nothing today
- Learning Target:
- Explore background information about conflicts in communities with a focus on the psychology of prejudice and ingroups and outgroups.
- Agenda:
- Elie Wiesel Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
- Elie Wiesel and Oprah at Auschwitz
- Video Guide
- HW:
- Finish Elie Wiesel & Oprah Video guide--due Tuesday, 2/25
- Spelling 22 packet due Friday, 2/28