Tuesday, February 18, 2020

ELA 7 Week 25

Friday, 2/21/20
  1. Due: HG Chapter 9 and 10 questions
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
  3. Agenda:
    1. The Hunger Games
      1. Ch. 7-9 Quiz
        1. Multiple Choice Portion
        2. Timed Write--in groups.
      2. When you finish, work on spelling.
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.
Thursday, 2/20/20

  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
  3. Agenda:
    1. The Hunger Games
      1. Read and analyze chapter 10 w/focus questions
      2. The HG Ch. 7-9 Quiz is Friday!
      3. When you finish, work on spelling.
  4. HW:
    1. Finish HG ch. 10 w/focus questions--I'll check these Friday.
    2. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.
Wednesday, 2/19/20
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
  3. Agenda:
    1. The Hunger Games
      1. Katniss and Peeta's Skills and Strengths
      2. Read and analyze chapter 9
      3. The HG Ch. 7-9 Quiz is Thursday!
  4. HW:
    1. Finish HG Chapter 9 reading and questions/figurative language
    2. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.
Tuesday, 2/18/20
  1. Due: HG Chapter 8 Questions due
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Identify and review spelling 20 words.
    2. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Spelling 20--Work on spelling packet
    2. The Hunger Games
      1. Review chapters 7-8 study questions/catch up if you're behind
      2. The HG Ch. 7-9 Quiz is Thursday!
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.