- Due: Signed Syllabus; Feathers
- Agenda:
- Spelling
- Periods 3 and 6: Unit #1
- Period 4: Unit #2
- We will read and review the spelling words and the spelling packet assignment.
- Feather Presentations!
- HW:
- Spelling Packet due Thursday, 8/22.
- Due: Nothing today
- Agenda:
- Writing Sample:
- Periods 3 and 6: Incredible Excuse Letter
- Period 4: Letter to Your Future Self
- We will read and discuss the directions, and you will have the class period to compose your letters. This will be turned in at the end of the period.
- Reminder: You will present your feathers tomorrow.
- HW:
- Feathers due Friday, 8/16
- Signed Syllabus due Friday, 8/16
Wednesday, 8/14/19
- Due: Turn in your Investigative Challenge assignment (if you haven't already done so).
- Agenda:
- Join our class on Google Classroom
- Spread You Wings & Soar Activity
- Design and create your feather
- Design your feather worksheet
- Create your feather worksheet
- HW:
- Feathers due Friday, 8/16
- Signed Syllabus due Friday, 8/16