Wednesday, August 14, 2019

ELA Days 2-4

Friday, 8/16/19
  1. Due: Signed Syllabus; Feathers
  2. Agenda:
    1. Spelling
      1. Periods 3 and 6: Unit #1
      2. Period 4: Unit #2
      3. We will read and review the spelling words and the spelling packet assignment. 
    2. Feather Presentations!
  3. HW:
    1. Spelling Packet due Thursday, 8/22.
Thursday, 8/15/19
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Agenda:
    1. Writing Sample:
      1. Periods 3 and 6: Incredible Excuse Letter
      2. Period 4: Letter to Your Future Self
      3. We will read and discuss the directions, and you will have the class period to compose your letters. This will be turned in at the end of the period.
    2. Reminder: You will present your feathers tomorrow.
  3. HW:
    1. Feathers due Friday, 8/16
    2. Signed Syllabus due Friday, 8/16

Wednesday, 8/14/19
  1. Due: Turn in your Investigative Challenge assignment (if you haven't already done so).
  2. Agenda:
    1. Join our class on Google Classroom
    2. Spread You Wings & Soar Activity
      1. Design and create your feather 
        1. Design your feather worksheet
        2. Create your feather worksheet
  3. HW:
    1. Feathers due Friday, 8/16
    2. Signed Syllabus due Friday, 8/16