- Due: Signed Syllabus and Feather
- Agenda:
- Today you will present your feather to the class.
- Make sure you turn in all assignments from the week:
- Investigative Challenge
- Signed Syllabus
- Feather
- Worksheet with the paragraph about your feather
- HW:
- None! Have a great weekend, and stay cool!
Thursday, 8/15/19
- Due: Nothing today
- Agenda:
- Continue designing and creating your feather.
- You will present your feather to the class tomorrow.
- HW:
- Feather due Friday, 8/16
- Signed Syllabus due Friday, 8/16
Wedensday, 8/14/19
- Due: Investigative Challenge Worksheet
- Agenda:
- Join our class on Classroom.
- Put Binders/Supplies together.
- Get started designing and creating your feather.
- HW:
- Feather due Friday, 8/16
- Signed Syllabus due Friday, 8/16