Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Futures Week 4

Friday, 9/6/19
  1. Due: History CN (If you are turning in a ROC, you will do so via Classroom); T-shirt design
  2. Agenda:
    1. Team builder: Tall Towers!
  3. HW:
    1. None! Have a nice weekend!
Thursday, 9/5/19
  1. Due: Tutorial Process Summary Pyramid Handout due Thursday
  2. Agenda:
    1. Tutorial Process Handout and CN
      1. Share out summaries and watch a quick rundown of how tutorials will go in our classroom.
    2. Rudy
      1. Take CN as you watch the first segment of the film. 
  3. HW:
    1. History CN Check Friday
    2. T-Shirt Design Due Friday

Wednesday, 9/4/19
  1. Due: Tutorial CN (These are the notes we took in class yesterday. I'll collect these from you on Thursday.)
  2. Agenda:
    1. Tutorial Process Handout
      1. Finish CN
      2. Complete the summary pyramid on the back of the handout (I'll check them tomorrow)
    2. Work on your T-Shirt Design (due Friday)
    3. Work on your History Cornell Notes (due Friday)
  3. HW:
    1. Tutorial Process Summary Pyramid Handout due Thursday
    2. History CN Check Friday
    3. T-Shirt Design Due Friday
Tuesday, 9/3/19
  1. Due: Signed Binder Checks (for scores lower than 30)
  2. Agenda:
    1. Test Schedule
    2. Cornell Notes: Tutorial Process
    3. CN for the week
    4. T-Shirt Design
  3. HW:
    1. CN Check Friday--You'll need to have two completed pages of Cornell Notes on assigned subjects.