Friday, October 25, 2019

Futures Week 12

Friday, 11/1/19
  1. Due: Math Notes
  2. Agenda:
    1. Quickwrite (GC) and share out.
    2. Teambuilder:
      1. Halloween Brainteasers
  3. HW:
    1. Math CN due Friday
Thursday, 10/31/19--Happy Halloween!
  1. Due: TRF
  2. Agenda:
    1. Tutorial
  3. HW:
    1. Math CN due Friday
Monday, 10/28/19 to Wednesday, 10/30/19
  1. Monday: 
    1. Due: Nothing today
    2. Agenda: Complete a Learning Log based on what you did during 1st period. Please answer all questions completely and thoughtfully. Turn it in the basket when you are finished.
    3. Complete TRF for Tuesday's tutorial.
    4. Work on assignments from core classes.
    5. HW: TRF due Tuesday and Thursday; Math CN due Friday
  2. Tuesday:
    1. Due: TRF
    2. Agenda: Tutorial
    3. HW: TRF due Thursday; Math CN due Friday
  3. Wednesday:
    1. Due: Nothing today
    2. Agenda: Work on current or missing assignments from your core classes. The grading period ends Friday.
    3. Work on TRF for Thursday's Tutorial
    4. Work on Math CN for Friday's CN Check
    5. HW: TRF due Thursday; Math CN due Friday
** Please note: If your name is left by the substitute, the consequence is detention and/or possible office referral. ** I know you will all make good choices and represent Ross and Hughson well.