Monday, December 2, 2019

ELA 7 Week 16

Friday, 12/6/19
  1. Due: "The Lottery" Stations Activities (SS); Story Elements (SS)
  2. Learning Target(s): 
    1. Identify and describe important elements of a play.
    2. Discuss the impact of historical context on a dramatic text.
  3. Agenda: 
    1. Intro to A Christmas Carol
      1. Background
        1. Elements of Drama Slides
        2. Charles Dickens and Victorian England
          1. The Life and Works of Charles Dickens
  4. HW: 
    1. The Life and Works of Charles Dickens due Monday, 12/9.
Thursday, 12/5/19
  1. Due: "The Lottery" First Read (SS)
  2. Learning Target(s): 
    1. Today I will read and annotate "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, focusing on the way characters develop the theme of the story.
  3. Agenda: 
    1. "The Lottery" Stations
      1. Station 1--Think Questions 1 or 2 (SS)
      2. Station 2--Reading Comprehension Questions 1-10
      3. Station 3--Superstition Blast w/5 Peer Reviews
      4. Station 4--StudySync TV w/half-sheet questions
  4. HW: 
    1. Skill: Story Elements due Friday, 12/6 at 8 AM.
    2. Finish anything from the stations that you did not finish in class by Friday, 12/6 at 8 AM.
Wednesday, 12/4/19
  1. Due: Blast w/peer responses (SS); "The Lottery" vocabulary
  2. Learning Target(s): 
    1. Today I will read and annotate "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, focusing on the way characters develop the theme of the story.
  3. Agenda: 
    1. "The Lottery" First-Read (StudySync)
      1. Orgnaizer Chart
      2. Read and annotate
  4. HW: 
    1. "The Lottery" First-Read needs to be turned in today (Wednesday)!
Tuesday, 12/3/19
  1. Due: Parent Proofread w/signature; Unit 1 Essay Final Draft (Classroom)
  2. Learning Target(s): 
    1. Today I will read and annotate "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, focusing on the way characters develop the theme of the story.
  3. Agenda: 
    1. Intro to Unit 2--Blast (SS)
    2. "The Lottery" First-Read (StudySync)
      1. Intro
      2. Orgnaizer Chart
      3. Read and annotate
  4. HW: 
    1. "The Lottery" Vocabulary--make sure you Save!
    2. Finish your Blast peer reviews (if you haven't already).
Monday, 12/2/19--Welcome Back!
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target(s): 
    1. Today I will evaluate my own writing and the writing of a classmate, providing meaningful feedback and constructive criticism.
  3. Agenda: 
    1. Correct Spelling Test
    2. Unit 1 Extended Writing Project
      1. Self and Peer Revisions
    3. Intro to Unit 2
  4. HW: 
    1. Parent Proofread w/signature due Tuesday, 12/3.