Monday, February 24, 2020

ELA 7 Week 26

Friday, 2/28/20 
  1. Due:Spelling will be collected Monday!
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
  3. Agenda:
    1. The Hunger Games
      1. Read Chapter 15 and work on Focus Questions.This chapter should be completely finished and questions all completed by the end of class today. If you aren't finished, please finish at home tonight. 
    2. Spelling #20 Quizlet
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 20 Packet and Quizlet due, and test MONDAY!
Thursday, 2/27/20 
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
  3. Agenda:
    1. The Hunger Games
      1. Read Chapters 13 and 14 and work on Focus Questions.These chapters should be completely finished and questions all completed by the end of class today. If you aren't finished, please finish at home tonight. 
    2. Spelling #20 Quizlet
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 20 Packet and Quizlet due, and test Friday, 2/28.
Wednesday, 2/26/20 
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Identify and practice spelling words and definitions.
    2. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
  3. Agenda:
    1. Spelling #20 Quizlet
      1. Flashcards
      2. Learn
      3. Write
      4. Spell
      5. Test--Options: all terms, no images, written responses, 85% or higher.
    2. The Hunger Games
      1. Read Chapter 13 and work on Focus Questions
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 20 Packet due Friday, 2/28.
Tuesday, 2/25/20
  1. Due:HG Symbols Block and Chapter 11 Questions
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
  3. Agenda:
    1. The Hunger Games
      1. Chapter 12 w/focus questions
  4. HW:
    1. Spelling 20 Packet due Friday, 2/28.
Monday, 2/24/20
  1. Due: Nothing today
  2. Learning Target:
    1. Determine a theme in The Hunger Games and analyze its development over the course of the novel.
  3. Agenda:
    1. The Hunger Games
      1. Piktochart Symbols Block
      2. Chapter 11 w/focus questions
  4. HW:
    1. Finish HG Symbols Block and Chapter 11 Questions--due Tuesday, 2/25.
    2. Spelling 20 Packet due Wednesday, 2/26.